Can't arm remotely

Have a schedule d power outage. Panel is running off battery. Since the delay entry is in the garage and I can’t open the garage due to lack of power I have to exit through a door and arm through the app

I have tried several times to arm through the ADC app and it times out.

My go bridge is down, but cellular should still be up

Can you please explain why I can’t arm remotely?

Considering this is a result of a power loss, is someone at the location? Is the panel still powered or has the battery died?

Barring that some panels like Qolsys disable certain functions and commands to conserve battery and focus on outbound signals.

I do not believe that’s ever been true with regard to remote commands on the 2GIG Panel, but I’ll do a little testing to verify on 1.17.

Lastly, have you had any cellular signal trouble lately? If you get a chance, what is the reported signal strength on the panel?

Signal was in the twenties. Panel is running off battery. Tried doing this within one hour of power failure

Looks like the cell can connect. I did upgrade my pane l months ago. Maybe sim is not registered correctly?

Signal is 24. It says the power status is off. Connection is idle. Maybe it shuts the cell module off during battery?

Maybe sim is not registered correctly?

File size was too big. However there are signals from the panel after the power failure. If the Go!Bridge lost all power at the same time, these would have been cellular outbound signals. We also do not see a dual path failure alert for your module. (We do for the Go!Bridge now)

I’m noticing a command delay when on battery on a 1.17 panel, though they did still go through after a bit. If you get a chance while power is still out, try running a cell phone test. What is the response?

Ran it twice and it failed

I am concerned now that my home is vulnerable if you shut off the power

It says the power status is off. Connection is idle. Maybe it shuts the cell module off during battery?

Powering off to save battery when not in use is normal after a period of time. As is idle connection. It should turn back on to run a cell phone test however, or send any other signal normally forwarded. 2GIG does not otherwise limit functionality.

Has your power status ever changed yet?

No. The was a planned outage. 4 more hours

Cell phone test can not acquire network registration

Just called dispatch. Tripped my alarm via a silent alarm panic button and at the panel

Dispatch did not receive.

I am very concerned as all someone would have to do is cut power to my house to break in

I am very concerned as all someone would have to do is cut power to my house to break in

This is an anomaly. Not normal operation. We’ll just need to get to the root of the issue.

Are you perhaps using a network extender to get cell signal?

No. It’s always been very strong at my house

Well with the power out power cycling or a remote hard reset are out.

Has your Radio Status switched to “On” after attempting a cell test?

Rebooted the system. Radio status went from red to green. Cell phone test works now

However this begs the question, what ifnwe were not home to reboot. People could cut power and my house is vulnerable.

Power is still out.

My theory is when go bridge and cellular go down at same time it’s a serious issue. Someone has to be home to reboot and know that happened. We need to address this

Again, this is not normal operation, so we would need to do some tests to see if we can replicate and report to 2GIG. Note that signaling continued after loss of power. If power loss was to the whole house at once that means cellular signaling continued until an unspecified time.

I would guess this is an issue with the power save and “waking up” the module, but to clarify, can you please tell us if you noticed the “Power Status” change to “on” at any point while attempting to run cell tests (prior to rebooting using system configuration)

I’m going to see if we can reproduce what you’ve encountered here. My guess is no, but either way it should tell us something and if it is a repeatable event 2GIG would be able to patch.

Signals were not getting to dispatch until I rebooted. What if I was not home to reboot?

I called dispatch with them inline and hit a panic button away from panel. They did not receive. I hit a panic at the panel. They did not receive. Rebooted and hit the remote panic and they got it

Power status was always off and cell strength was always red at 24

Signals were not getting to dispatch until I rebooted. What if I was not home to reboot?

I called dispatch with them inline and hit a panic button away from panel. They did not receive. I hit a panic at the panel. They did not receive. Rebooted and hit the remote panic and they got it

I understand that signaling was not working while troubleshooting.

To clarify what I mean: Power loss is not reported to ADC from the panel until after the period programmed into the panel, by default 10 minutes.

I am seeing in your history the power failure notice, followed by a few activity alerts with a final sensor activity status 50 minutes after that power loss.

Did the entire house lose power at once? If so that would mean the cellular signaling remained for at least one hour after power was cut. Does that make sense?

This is to just clarify that the actual loss of power is not the direct cause. It seems the module was likely unable to wake up from power save off mode after an indeterminate period of inactivity. (Why I was asking about the Power Status on the Radio Status screen) This is what we need to test.

Power status was always off and cell strength was always red at 24

Thank you, that helps support what I assume happened.

Early discussion with is sort of confirming my hunch, but I am not able to recreate it yet on the same panel setup. We will check with 2GIG and follow up here.

I would be very curious to see if you could recreate after the power is restored by unplugging the system and waiting/check signals after about an hour or so.