Can’t connect

As of right now I can’t connect to the alarm system via the ADC app on multiple iOS devices. Eventually it connect but everything is very delayed. I will disarm, but it takes 3 minutes for the the alarm to receive the signal and the app tells me the signal was not received


i’m having the same problem. delayed response for arm/disarm via mobile and web apps.

checked my panels wifi connection and there is no problem there.

There was an early morning operations alert regarding widespread trouble with remote commands and notification processing in I see that it is reported as resolved very recently, so it should be back to normal now. Let us know if you still see any issues.

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I’m still having this issue

I had the issue earlier but it resolved itself. I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max w iOS 16.

I powered down my system and powered back on hoping this would resolve as I didn’t know about the outage. On startup The system walked me through setting up the system like it was brand new

I’m hoping all my settings are intact. All my devices seemed to still be there. I had to run as I was late for an appointment an couldn’t spend time with it

Could you tell me what happened.

When you power down the panel is prompts you with whether or not you want the panel to boot into the wizard. Make sure the checkbox is unchecked, then power down.

I’m still having this issue

Can you check this again now? All related issues should be resolved now, so if you are still having connectivity problems then it is unrelated and a separate system issue.

No, I am not. Thanks

It seems ok

But this morning as I was leaving , all doors were shut as the countdown timer counted down for exit. When the timer ended the alarm triggered and I am 100 percent sure the door was closed that triggered as I was looking g at it. Yet a false alarm

Common causes for false alarms for sensors can be found here:

That door has a new Power G sensor that I believe I just bought from you recently.

I know all the “boiler plate” reasons, but I find it odd that this happens when I could not arm or disarm (problems with ADC) today

The operations issue was solely related to remote command and notification processing.

It didn’t (and can’t) affect how your door sensor reports status to your panel.

Be sure to check the magnetic gap of that sensor, as well as alignment of the magnet. If there are any questions or you are having trouble identifying the potential cause, please post a photo of the sensor in a closed position.

I have the sensor that is embedded in the door jamb and door. It’s a power G device I bought from you

The gap in my door is 4 mm. The device plate sticks out 2MM. Therefore the gap is 2mm.

Also, I have not had issues with this door sensor. I would think if the gap was too big, I would have had previous issues.

My theory is that during this issues with ADC , signals got delayed. The panel was armed. Door opened. The signal was delayed and even though the door closed, that signal did not reach the panel for some reason on that day.

Zwave signals were delayed that day during that issue. I suspect sensor activity as well?

My theory is that during this issues with ADC , signals got delayed. The panel was armed. Door opened. The signal was delayed and even though the door closed, that signal did not reach the panel for some reason on that day.

Your alarm sensors communicate within your home via RF signals to the panel.

I can say with 100% certainty that remote command and notification processing had nothing to do with and no impact on a false alarm reported by your panel to

Sending remote commands to the panel during that time, whether arming, Z-wave automation, etc., would be delayed because the processing on the back end was delayed. This has no impact on your local system.

Please be sure to check alignment of the magnet as well, and is that a metal door? While PowerG has a farther range than other sensors, it is still equally affected by attenuation from metal, masonry, etc.

Door. And jamb are wood

The magnet is aligned as evidenced by months of non issue and quadruple checking

I can say with 100percent certainty the door was closed as I was watching through the windshield of my car the whole time

I can say with 100percent certainty the door was closed as I was watching through the windshield of my car the whole time

I believe you that the door was closed, there are a variety of potential problems that might cause a false alarm on a closed door.

The magnet is aligned as evidenced by months of non issue and quadruple checking

Past performance of a device or sensor at a location does not preclude unexpected problems or mean that it will always work.

Quadruple checking is good though. To be clear, I am talking about the alignment, top to bottom and left to right, so that the magnet and sensor cap are directly apart from one another, not shifted at all above to to the side when the door is closed.

One sensor model may be more forgiving than another with regard to the magnet alignment.

I would also check how much play the door has. Seasonal changes can cause slight variations in how a door closes as it swells and contracts.

I am pushing alignment and the door movement as something to seriously investigate because just a second or two before the “Kitchen to Garage” door false alarmed, one of the overhead garage doors reported opened. If it was windy, or if a pressure difference occurred, it could easily tug on the door.

HI Jason,

Thanks for responding.

I have checked 5 times now and the sensor is aligned.
I have not had issues since. Even with the alarm not armed I woulf think a voice announce would have gone off should the door opened?

The garage doors were opened as I had to take out some trash. This is why the kitchen to garage door was open longer than usual before I closed. I may have even opened multiple garage doors,

There is about 2 MM of space between the sensor contacts as I measured with a tape measure as best I could last night.

I have not had issues since. Even with the alarm not armed I woulf think a voice announce would have gone off should the door opened?

Yes if programmed to do so, the sensor would chime/voice announcement upon opening.

There is about 2 MM of space between the sensor contacts as I measured with a tape measure as best I could last night.

That measurement sounds to be within range for the gap between magnet and sensor’s reed swtich.

Overall you will want to test the sensor to ensure that it is triggering as expected on open/close.

When troubleshooting, you may want to place your 24/7 professional monitoring account on Test Mode during troubleshooting to avoid any false dispatches. You can do this by calling monitoring operators directly at 855-348-0367 or from the Professional Monitoring tab in the System Manager section of your Surety account.

The option to change the sensor’s group to 25 Safety Motion for a DW helps for prolonged testing as well (generaties status at the panel, and notifications for the sensor still fire, but alarms arent generated).

I would also use the PowerG Test function to ensure signal strength of the sensor (Advanced Settings > System Tests). This is measure in Strong, Good, Poor, and No Signal