An attempt to understand system weaknesses

The forum is exactly the right place for the questions. Many folks to assist. No apologies necessary.

I edited my post above. It is good that the delay event is captured if motion detected, but then there is the issue that if the IS is destroyed/stolen prior to panel alarming the image may be irretrievably lost.

Alarm AND Arming Event captures should upload to gallery IMO.

Arming Event captures may be the only verification you get in the event of a crash and smash. You can’t very well upload a delay entry arming event capture if the panel has been destroyed/damaged.

ADC needs to exercise a little Common sense.

In the event of a crash and smash, you are right in that the on demand image would be unavailable normally. ADC however can retrieve these images manually. The image sensor should be powered down quickly and sent in.

Not having the captured image to verify the crash smash event kinda renders it completely useless.

ADC having the ability to capture the image off the IS itself, assumes that the IS itself is not destroyed/damaged, or taken.

I am sure there are costs involved for that image “recovery”… not to mention that after your are completely robbed and cleaned out because the police never responded to the unverified crash and smash alarm event, that when they do investigate after the fact, they themselves are gonna want that IS.

Just seems to me had the “Arming Event” image uploaded, had you been able to view it when you received the alarm event notifications, and/or calls, and then verified the event, had the police immediately dispatched for a “verified Alarm”, things may have turned out a bit differently, and most if not all, your stuff would still be in your home…

I agree. Hopefully ADC can close this little loophole in the future. I kept going over in my head what the weakness in the system would be, and kept asking myself “how will I know to tell the SuretyCam operator that there is a smash and crash taking place?” How could I get verification if the image sensors are not going to take pics until AFTER the delay period? Maybe I think like a criminal. Lol. I do have the background capture setup now. So if I ever get the dreaded phone call that there is a potential smash and crash in progress, I will do the following:

  1. Check the live feed and recent clips from the V520ir video camera.
  2. Request peek ins from all 3 images sensors.
  3. Upload all available “background capture” images.

I would like to think that I could do all this within 2 minutes and be able to at least definitively tell the operator to send the police or not. In addition to this, I will receive an entry door open push notification that will not be followed by an “alarm disarmed” notification so assuming I’m not tied up at work or too busy my suspicions should already be activated.

Does it sound like I have a grasp of it? Thanks again for all this great info. This thread should help many in the future.

Definitely good feedback.

One impeding factor is likely cost. For that to be standard (auto upload from all IS during delay) you would increase the necessary amount of IS captures monthly, in some cases more than double it, and the average plan would rise by another $5.00 or more due to data.

Weighing that against the fact that you are describing a rare scenario that is often better solved by panel placement, (you should not plan on using Crash and Smash and having your panel easily accessed) I think it is an issue ADC is aware of and likely looking for another solution to circumvent it.

Rather, I think that should be the thought process. Having the Image Uploads during away be optionally Auto-Upload instead of on-demand is a pretty easy solution, but you would definitely have to upgrade your Image Sensor plan from the included base level unless you are very vigilant about everyone in your home disarming prior to entry. However, I agree that this should probably be the way it works.

That wouldn’t affect my setup much. I have my IS installed where it wont capture normal delay entry events.

you would have to cross into its field of view during a delay entry event (and that’s not normal, as normally system would be disarmed via Secondary panel prior to anyone entering that IS zone)

A delay entry image capture means something is wrong, as movement into home during that event should not occur (but it could be something as simple as a pet).

It is all about placement.