Smart Thermostat ADC-T3000 - Installation and Operation

Configure the thermostat

While the default settings online will be sufficient in most cases, you also have the option to change advanced configuration settings (e.g., Swing, Differential, Fan Circulation Period, Fan Circulation Duty Cycle, Maximum Setpoints, Minimum Setpoints, and Thermostat Lock).

Caution: Be careful when changing advanced configuration settings. These configuration settings should only be changed by those familiar with heating and cooling systems’ parameters. Contact a local HVAC professional for help.

Change the default settings

Use the following instructions if you wish to change the default settings on your thermostat.

Changing the temperature display from Fahrenheit to Celsius

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select F/C.
  5. Select C.

Enabling motion-detected wake

This setting will enable the thermostat screen to wake when motion is detected nearby.

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select MOTION.
  5. Select ON.

Disabling AUTO mode

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select AUTO.
  5. Select DISABLE.

Humidity control

The thermostat can adjust the humidity level in your home by directly controlling an external humidifier or dehumidifier.

For an external humidifier or dehumidifier, the thermostat must be configured to use the Z1 or Z2 terminal. Z1 and Z2 configuration can be found in the Settings section of the Installer menu. If a cooling system is present without an external dehumidifier, the thermostat will extend your cooling cycles in an attempt to reach your dehumidification setpoint.

Changing the humidity mode

Select the mode for which you would like to control humidity.

  1. Press the !MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select HUMIDITY.
  5. Select MODE. Modes include OFF, DEHUMID, HUMID, and AUTO.

.Note*: AUTO will select either the DEHUMID or HUMID mode automatically.

  1. Select the desired mode.

Changing the dehumidifier setpoint

Verify that the humidity mode selected is either DEHUMID or AUTO.

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select HUMIDITY.
  5. Select SETPOINT.
  6. Select DEHUMID.
  7. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the desired dehumidifier setpoint.
Changing the humidifier setpoint

Verify that the humidity mode selected is either HUMID or AUTO.

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select USER.
  4. Select HUMIDITY.
  5. Select SETPOINT.
  6. Select HUMID.
  7. Use the UP and DOWNbuttons to adjust the desired humidifier setpoint.

Note: The thermostat enforces a 20% “deadband” or minimum difference between the minimum and maximum humidity setpoints. Moving one of the setpoints within 20% of the other will force the other setpoint to move automatically to maintain the 20% deadband.


The thermostat can control a ventilation system (HRV, VRV, or air baffle) using the Z1 or Z2 terminal. By default, the thermostat will operate the ventilation system for 15 minutes every hour. To change the ventilation settings, refer to the advanced configuration settings through the Partner Portal, Customer Website or mobile app.

Thermostat reconfiguration

If the wiring changes, or if a mistake was made during initial configuration, the thermostat’s HVAC settings can be reconfigured. This process will not remove the thermostat from the Z-Wave network. However, all HVAC settings and configurations will be set back to their default values, and the thermostat will present the user with the initial setup screens again.

Reconfiguring the thermostat

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select SETTINGS.
  3. Select INSTALLER.
  4. Select RECONFIG.

Check the system

Caution: Do not test the AC during cold weather or heat during hot weather. Wait for mild weather to fully test the system.

Check heating

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select MODE.
  3. Select HEAT.
  4. Press the UP button to raise the setpoint above room temperature. Wait five minutes for the system to turn on.
  5. After verifying the heating system is working, return the setpoint to the desired temperature.

Check cooling

  1. Press the MINUS button.
  2. Select MODE.
  3. Select COOL.
  4. Press the DOWN button to lower the setpoint below room temperature. Wait five minutes for the system to turn on.
  5. After verifying the heating system is working, return the setpoint to the desired temperature.