Additional sensor magnet?

I have windows that sometimes I’d prefer stay open a bit even when I arm the system at night. I’m searching for some extra adhesive backed magnets to place on the window frames where the window could be opened to and still be protected.

I know Surety used to sell them but I no longer see them on the website. A cursory search online doesn’t turn them up either, just a bunch of sensor/magnet sets which would be wasteful to buy and then toss the bits I don’t need.

We do not sell individual magnets at this time, recently I looked for a specific sensor magnet which ended up looking like you could get individually, and the same place may sell others. See that post here:

Thanks Jason, that’s a good start.


Another option might be to go with a wired sensor pack and use the magnets that come with the surface contacts. You can get these in packs of 5 or 10 for about $2 per sensor.

Also be sure to leave about 4-6 inches in between the magnet placement. If two magnets are installed one above the other too close together it will mess with the magnetic field quite a bit and make it harder to successfully close the sensor.

@jpk911 try here Qolsys Sensor Magnet (QR0030-840) ( I buy parts and pieces from them all the time

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Yep, I browsed through there and found something that should work. I ordered a few, the shipping is a bitch but whatever. Can’t find any other place selling what I’m after.

Thanks Jason. Good tip on the sensor placement. I’ll do some testing before permanently affixing the new magnet.