Adding an SVR-122 to Account

Good Evening,
I recently purchased an SVR-122 for my account as a backup to my Recording.
When attempting to add it to the Account, i get this message: “This Service Plan does not support SVRs. Please contact your dealer for assistance.” Could you please advise?
Thank you.

Your service plan needs the SVR feature enabled in order for the SVR122 to be used. SVR use is included in the Surety Complete and Surety Protect security service plans.

Service plans can be changed via the System Manager tab in your Surety account. Upon switching to the desired plan, the SVR feature will be enabled on your account.

More information on SVR can be found below:

Thank You for the prompt reply,

I do have another question now,
I currently have 6 Video Cameras (including a DoorBell Camera); if I select the “Surety Protect” plan with Add-ons of “4 Videos Cameras, 3000 clips” + SVR. Does that mean that only 4 videos Cameras will record? Does the SVR still saves recording for the remaining 2 cameras+4 managed cameras?
Or Should I pick the “8 Video Cameras, 8000 clips” + SVR to have recordings from all 6 cameras saved including the back up provided by the SVR?

Thank you again for your support/.

If you currently have 6 cameras you would need the 8 camera support. Camera support is added in blocks of 4 and refers to the max number of cameras on the account.