Adding a Yale Real Living zwave deadbolt

I am looking for instructions to add a new Yale Real Living zwave deadbolt to my 2GIG panel. I tried a search, but came up empty.

Yale Deadbolt programming instructions can be found here.

On your panel: Services -> ZWave -> Installer Wrench Icon -> Enter Installer Code -> Select Add Device -> Perform the “Join The Network” function in the deadbolt programming.

You may need to use the remove function first if the deadbolt was previously learned into a system.

I added my lock 3 days ago. It is showing up as a device on my panel. But, it is still not showing up on I ran a cell phone test, to no avail. Advice?

The cell phone test usually does the trick. I sent a command to get updated devices from your panel. Is it showing up on now?

That must have done it, my locks are present on and working!