ADC Article - Interesting Read

I found this article online:

It’s from July of 2015, but still an interesting read, especially this’s acquisition of Building 36 will give it a DIY/retail home automation Z-Wave IP gateway that bypasses security dealers and professionally installed alarm panels … a good move for a pre-IPO SHaaS (smart home as a service) provider.”

You can also buy ADC for $18.21 a share (current price).

Could their buyout of Building 36 be directly related to GC3 possibly?

Could their buyout of Building 36 be directly related to GC3 possibly?

‘Building 36’ tstat (B36-T10 aka T2000) buyout is old news, and happened years ago (2012), and has nothing to do with the GC3. Back in 2012, 2GIG was winning awards for the Go!2.0 panel (aka Vivint Sky).

The ADC IPO is relatively new. It is a way for a company to build up capital at the cost of being at the mercy of it’s investors, and under scrutiny of wall street and the government (SEC).

See: hidden features of ADC-T2000 - Support - Surety Support Forum


I would think they would have an automation hub out by now. That’s kinda what a part of the story was hinting to.

It says Vivint is 10-15% of total revenue and I had never heard of Vivint until last year.

Oh well. You buying breakfast?